Group coaching

I create groups around various themes in which up to 8 participants can join. A minimum of 5 participants is required to start a group.

Persons who followed individual coaching sessions with me sometimes choose to join a group. However, your first introduction to coaching can be done in a group setting as well.

Working in a group comes with a lot of advantages:

  • You do not only learn from the coach, but also from each other – learning is multiplied
  • You keep each other motivated and engaged – learning with a boost
  • By connecting with others your learning process becomes exponential
  • And it is less expensive

The frequency, duration and format (live or online or a combination of both) depends on the kind of group and theme. New groups are announced on this website under Agenda.

Inbetween sessions there are exercises to work on at home, on an individual basis and possibly in interaction with other group members. Deep learning only starts when you take action in the real world.
Group coaching

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