Q&A Leadership journey

What if I haven't reached mly change goal at the end of the journey?

The trick is to determine your change goal at the start and then to hold it loosely. It remains a kind of beacon on the horizon, but it must not restrict you from going through the process in its entirety.
Also realise that such a big change does not happen overnight. It is a process of awareness-building and personal development that continues long after the journey is over.
So don't expect instant miracles, but give yourself all the space and time you need to finally tackle what you have been carrying around for years.

What works best, online or face-to-face?

I consider both to be equally valuable. In my experience, it is ideal to have a mix that we agree on ourselves. I personally like to have the debriefing session of the 360° assessment done face-to-face.

How much time do I need to invest between session to work on my journey

The more you invest in it, the more you will get out of it. Reserve at least one hour per week and block it in your agenda. This is an appointment with yourself!

What is the frequency of coaching sessions?

I have found that it is ideal to have 2 weeks between sessions, especially in the beginning. We always agree on the next date at the end of a session. So there is a lot of flexibility.

Q&A Leadership journey

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