A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves ~ Lao Tzu
Leaders do not need to be convinced that improvement and change are crucial. Leaders today know how difficult it is to achieve sustainable change. Not only is it very difficult, we still don't know why it is so difficult and what we can do about it.
Our world needs the right leaders now more than ever. Especially in this era where there is so much at stake, not only in organisations and corporations, but also in the world.
For me leadership means taking responsibility in the world, in a passionate and selfless way.
We still often have this classic concept of the leader – whether political, religious or corporate – of being someone who stands in the front, and addresses and steers his or her troops with authority. This is only one form of leadership. You are just as much a leader when you support a group from behind or from the side, so this group can do what it needs to do (similar to the coach of a football team). Even when you are a team member you show leadership when you fully and unconditionally support the leadership of the person up front. You also take up leadership when you feel what is needed in your world and you take action, by yourself or with others.
Leadership development to me is about developing or broadening your mindset and not so much about gaining all kinds of leadership skills. Real development is about transforming the operating system, and not just expanding the knowledge base or behavioural patterns. Only then sustainable change can happen.
I am a certified Leadership Circle Profile coach (https://leadershipcircle.com). The Leadership Circle Profile™ (LCP)* is unique among the 360 degree tools that measure leadership. It shows the relationship between behavioural patterns and internal assumptions that drive behaviour. This gives you insight into the levers for change. CLP visualizes this information in a clear, original and accessible way.
The Leadership Circle Profile has been developed based on thorough research and integrates many of the best frameworks on leadership, adult development, psychological and spiritual development.
In coaching it is an integrated framework to guide the person towards more effective and performant leadership. For these types of coaching journeys I am also inspired by the work of the Arbinger Institute (The Outward Mindset, Leadership & Self-Deception, The Anatomy of Peace) and by the 'Immunity to Change' model of Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey.
* The Leadership Circle Profile™ was developed and is owned by The Leadership Circle®
During a more difficult period in at work, the coaching process with Anne has significantly helped me to turn a number of disappointments and missed opportunities into new opportunities and possibilities. Especially the 'immunity to change' model, in which a number of deep-rooted assumptions were exposed that prevented me from learning new things and behaviour and realizing changes in my professional life, has been a real eye opener for me.
The coaching not only taught me a lot about myself. Thanks to our fascinating conversations, which very often ended with additional tips and suggestions from Anne to useful websites and further reading, I was also introduced to a number of interesting models and visions about social trends and tendencies that I will certainly be able to use in my job
Do want to read more testimonials? Click HERE
Under 'offer'', you will find an individual leadership journey for which you can register on an ongoing basis as well as an annual programme for groups.
I also create in-company tailor made leadership trainings (for instance on developing a coaching leadership style, on self-care for leaders, on the art of giving feedback, etc.). Contact me for a free intake and after this I will send you a proposal.
P.S. I wrote a blog article on 'Lessons taught by wild geese' . These animals can teach us one or two things about leadership.